Tuesday, September 26, 2006

~when the girls get together!~

..last night me and my girlfriends went to have a buka puasa session together..there was fozz + jib + nad + jasara + beni + ina madz + wan + nanayau + me..it was great!!..i like the big round table in Johnny..i mean at least all of us can borak2 with everyone..i don't like the long table at secret recipe..x sempat borak ngan beni and zack and ina and wan..:(..but it's good to know that everyone is ok and having a great life..most of them started working already..zack has engaged..congratulation zack!!!..i'm happy for you..so i'll be waiting for your wedding in march..but in muar??..jauh la beb~~~..x pe la..aku usaha kan!!..haha..i think most of us hasn't change much since school years..ok..besides the hair and make up and the weight gain and weight lost thingy la!!!!..jasara is thin already..gosh..i wish i have her determination to be thin!..beni is showing her feminine side now..and she's pretty..zack has a long hair now..and she seems more mature..ina and wan is pretty much the same..just the new hair style..and i like it..very nice hair!..yes..both of them still thin..haha..fozz, nad and jib is pretty much like the picture in my recent post..haha..nanayau mmg still cool with the baju bunga2 and kasut bunga..wow..minah bunge ko yek!..huhu..well..i guess i'm the only one getting fatter!!..wuwuwu..damn~~(~_~')..well..whatever it is..the only thing that has not change is their laughter and jokes!..cakap x berhenti..order pon x berenti kan!!...sampai dah kenal ramesh kat Johnny!!..haha..not forgetting the eye-lining session..nana buat my eyes look like the rabbit kat pets wonderland!..x ingat la name diye ape..haha..and also session tulis number phone beni kat secret recipe..kalau beni x perasan musti kite dah bole bagik kat mamat keja secret recipe!!..hehe..leks ahh beni..haha..well..really much fun but bole jumpe kejap je..maybe next time la ok?..really missing you girls la..~

..me and jasara after the eye-lining session by nad and nanayau..look at our eyes~~~..

ok la..ittew aje la for today..xde ape lak nak tulis..i'll be going back to melaka today..hehe..ohh..one more thing..i miss qaf..(^_^)Y..bye~~


(another entry..actually this entry is dated on 25th Sept..x sempat post until today!..(^_^)Y)

..first of all, "HAPPY FASTING MONTH" to all..jgn ponteng puase ok?..hehe..anyway..to shaxu..don't worry girl..i'll make an entry just for you nanti ok?..wow..lame2 blog aku jadik blog citer pasal satu batch 9600 ke??..hehe..best gaks..(^_^)/

..so my fasting month started nicely..i have all my loved ones with me..my parents, siblings and also qaf..me + akak + boboy + qaf went back to melaka on saturday..it's nice having all of them around..i'm happy all the time and i hope that qaf had a good trip in melaka..hehe..mama punye asam pedas sedap kan?..:)..anyway..thanks sayang for coming back here to start puasa with me..(^_^)..i love you..

..so when puasa come, of course, it's cookies a.k.a kuih raya time la..so me and my sis..share our money and bought an oven for ourselves..last night my sister cooked a lot of food..hehe..we had ikan patin masak lemak cili padi, sambal sotong, sayur kobis, and then qaf wanted to eat lamb chop..so he marinated them (yes..he can cook!)..and put them into the new oven..nice!..hehe..my sister even made brownies and cookies..yay..food heaven..we now have a blender of our own!..yay..no more tumbuk with batu lesung!..haha..suwittt!!..

..ok la..i think i'll make shaxu's entry here la..can ha?..can la hoh?..(^_^)Y..

..SHAZREEN SABRI..i knew this girl from my first day in TKC..to be exact, dorm matahari, siti zawiah..hehe..shaxu i would say a very funny person and she's good in acting and also in kacau org!..hehe..i remembered she always kacau me..especially when i want to pray..she will called me with funny names..making jokes and all..and i ended up crying and laughing all at the same time..haha..she called me bulat..we usually hang out together back in school time..we share stories and food..haha..those days are fun!!..gosh..i missed those times..~~when you are with shaxu, you will never stop laughing..she's really fun to be with and she has the kindest heart with a lovely smile..hehe..nampak suwitt bukan??..shaxu dah blushing la tuh!!!!..tampar kang!..hehe..anyway..i'm glad to have all these people around me..they made my life brighter, happier and a joyous place to live!..so..like the usual..here's shaxu's picture with me together..

1 comment:

fozz said...

name rabbit tu HOTOT RABBIT! buruk bukan?? tp icon aku tuh sbb mate lebam, seperti kate semue org!