Tuesday, November 10, 2009

About Wedding Plan, etc

I have another 6 months or so to plan for my wedding..for now, i have done 60% planning only..haha..just booked mak andam, which will include pelamin, make-up & baju persalinan..no photographer yet, but the mak andam told me that there will be a wedding photographer expo in Dec..so maybe I will go to the fair. Shopping spree will be in December, i hope & dieting is still in progress (ye ke?)..haha..

I have FINALLY settled with shades of purple..haha..my concept will be a white wedding with shades of purple. I really don't want too much of purple or it'll turn out to be a Barney's wedding theme..(-__-"). This is my inspiration.

aren't they the prettiest?

this month is pretty hectic. My weekends are all occupied. This weekend - off for kursus kahwin, next week - appointment with mak andam in Melaka, next next week - off to Shanghai for company trip..fuhh..

Anyway, check out this cool bag..worn by my very own Dan Humphrey..hehe..

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