Monday, November 27, 2006

weekend activities

this time, weekend was a blast..i have both my friends and my man with me through the gile doo..hehe..we went to midvalley saturday..jalan2..and qaf bought me a bear that i want..yay..thanks sayang..hehe..qaf wanted to do shopping..he let me choose the clothes for him..we got a shoe, some shirts and long's great!..i hope he likes it..hehe..nite came..makan kat ali sara!!..sedap2..tapi ikan pedas sangat!!!..berpeluh tu makan~..hehe

sunday was the day that we've been waiting..hehe..VOLLEYBALL SESSION with nad, jib, fozz, nanayau and family..haha..nana bawak satu kampung!!..bagus gell ok! gile..when we first arrived, nad sebagai leader went to see a pakcik to get the ball la..i mean the volley ball la..hehe..but the pakcik said.."kite x bagik bola..bola bawak sendiri.."..shitto..nad said the girl in the phone ckp bole disediakan sekali~~..lalala..tipah tertipu la gamak nad kuau la lagik..beli bola..bola volley yang cantik ok!..tapi tetibe ade sorang kawan nana dah bawak dulu..camne?..dah terlebih bola the game pon start la..everyone cam hebat la..coz ade sorang pakcik ni cam jalan2 kat tepi..pastu diye tanye.."sape yang maen ni?..dari mane?"..aku cam terkebil2..nak jawab ape?..mane aku tau korang dari mane?..x kan nak sebut negeri sorang2 kot?..hehe..pastu aku sume kawan2 je..maen saje2..pakcik berjacket kulit ittew pon cam.."ooo..ok"...dan berlalu pergi..haha..hebat bukan??...anyway..aku takut nak maen..coz sume cam tampar bola kuat gell..but i can play basketball..yay!!..shaxu! should be there!..hehe..tapi kalau korang tgk kitorang maen basketball..sure geleng kepale punye..maen suke hati pliss..hehe..

well..sorry la aku ngan qaf kena blah awal..nak mengejar flight ok!..we had so much fun!..and aku saket2 badan hari ni..hehe..malam semalam tido flat pliss...well..maybe we should do this activity like at least once a month..or twice la..hehe..hmm..ape next activity?..makan2 kat klang nak?...x pon maen kayuh2 swan nak?..hehe..shit..nanti cramp kaki camne?..hehe...well..i just love you guys so much!!!..haha..daaaa~~~

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