Thursday, February 19, 2009

things i want in my closet

suddenly i feel like i want these item...haha..i know it's sudden, but wadehel~~ (^_^)Y..ok..let's start..

colored jeans
i think colored jeans is so cool..look at these gorgeous colorful jeans worn by miss posh spice..i want one!
pic from google image

now i think this is so hippie cool..but some says it's a no-no..i guess it depends on how your style is..if you're an ashley-mary-kate-messy'll probably look cool..anyway, i want this one too..hehe..but i think this style is kind of over by now..-___-"
pic from
no matter whether it's sunglasses or clear's trendy and it'll compliment your looks..hehe..hide away those eyebags, it'll give you the nerdy-coolness look..what more can you ask for??..
 pic from google image
bright colors clothes
I've always been a fan of bright, yellow, pink..and i plan to fill my closet with bright colorful clothes again..i've been wearing a lot of black since i've put on weight..yikes..let's get colorful again!
pic from

well..i sure hope i can get those items..hehe...anyone wants to buy me these stuff??..(^__^)Y


Ms. Too Much Stuff said...

cermin mata komunis tiga bintang rocks! hippie headband rocks jugak!

Natt Zainal said...

kann??..going to get myself one la..hehehe...